Henry Havelock Ellis: His 8
In fact, 9!
"Life can be considered an art."
- The dance of life
"The insane asylum is the place where optimism flourishes the most."
- The Dance of Life
"What we call" morality "is simply blind obedience to words of command.
[The Dance of Life (1923)]
" We must not swallow more beliefs in that can digest. "
- The dance of life
" What we call progress is the replacement of a disadvantage for another. "
" The Dance is the most sublime, the most moving, most beautiful of all arts, because it is not a mere translation or abstraction from life, that's life itself. "
- The Dance Life
"The more civilization progresses, the sooner it dies, giving way to another."
- The Dance of Life
"The Promised Land is always on the other side of the desert."
- The Dance of Life
The byproduct is sometimes more valuable than the product itself.
[Small Essays on love and virtue, II]
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