Plan B for Plan Jeremy B
Most readers of this blog may recall that I had inflamed as a Cube Zip in 2007 for the album Plan B, a British rapper who seemed to have reached musically (if not necessarily in the lyrics any more) a kind of perfect balance between vocals and musical accompaniment, mostly acoustic.
Anyway, as often when I inflames (Lupen Crook, for example), the world takes a perverse pleasure in raining on it (why? Why? Is it Because I Lied When I was 17?) so the disc did not work. Bah! My good guy Ben Drew has more than one string to his bow, and he returns this year with a disc which adds to his usual rap that sounds like a piece furiously retro garage to the Hives ... and any different than any of his first album, I still find it amazing (my loyalty is unmatched in admiration). The song is listenable here or on his myspace page .
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