Friday, November 21, 2008

Bath Accessories Lips

MOOD OF THE DAY: A Synopsis for a Wish Fulfilling that I can

What were they to come here in this warm and yet still fresh morning May, all colored, variegated, yet mine cold?
All that did not seem to bind?
Yet all knew each other.
Few, but not absent, reluctant to confide in, this rig ancient swaying like their feelings as the port of distress, but their sea legs in certainties.
What had they to hide?
They were all watching the sky to a mini-point loss, beyond the dunes, where you and I and Anne could not see anything coming!

We felt the enthusiasm, we felt the excitement, we felt the love.
We felt fear.
We felt curiosity.
One felt a common agreement .
And above all, without being able to explain it, you felt the urge to be there too, to participate, even as a hair on the soup, like hair density, the foam of the bench.

him returning from Cuba, where he stayed for 3 weeks without anyone knowing why?
It was happening to his humble apartment in Guétary on the Basque coast, a mixture of old pin-up poodle and contests.
him looking like a gentleman-burglar, however unsteadily, descended straight from his plane to Geneva.
him, proud and busy, which sells its shoes in Milan, after having drawn in a hick town from the depths of France.
He, too, commercial and old France, which was felt at once the timidity and infinite kindness
him again, uncouth, like a teddy bear long loved, no place
He was young and handsome, she an old still very beautiful.
Him with her son in her arms, she, her girlfriend.
Elle, Teen beautiful and elegant as are often mixed-bloods.
And she, the child curled, half angel / half demon.
Few women among these Xy.
him like a shadow of the past
Or He who wondered why, ultimately, he was there He, too, he of the last hour .... And
him with long hair, like Noah in the midst of others, a big tomcat confident in her arms, yet above the water .... (Which one is the wiser? Have I requested)
And I watched all this from far, far away .........

And I, who wanted to know ........

And even those who had stood by the move set the sky.

And suddenly ...... , Engine noise!
But they do not look at the Sea Basin. Neither the ocean. But the sky!
A glittering cloud. Sunny glasses that rise. Bubbles at the top and bottom. Then again
engine noise. But the boat this time. Then nothing
........ ........ A high vacuum. A heavy silence. They were all gone.
I had not seen anyone give signal?

everything happened so fast!
I decided to learn more.

No. It was not the end of a star: just a native son who returns home at last.

A sandwich-tern, "I later learned, laughed and I left too.
Perhaps it was this? who laughed the last time?

Wedged between the Indian and World New Orleans off-season.

For P.
PS: I know that the synopses are normally present! Hihihi!

PS 2: Against the gossips who do not believe in Friendship


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