... Because we are connected ...
I was so often treated mantle-religious in my life ....., I could only pay tribute to him one day! hihihi !
same time, a male who continues to send sperm and copulate, even after having his head cut off! , He deserves to live well? hihihi!
I do not know what attracts them in my garden, but I really! That they are protected species of insects in Ile-de-France ...
I should have put this on my blog at the end of summer, but like all the time taken by the time .............
It is very unfortunate that I can put much bigger picture on this site (or at least I do not know still do) because I do not know whether you will succeed to do something!
This exceptional phenomenon for me - oh yeah! yet! hihihi! I am in constant awe of nature! and yet I am not trendy insect, but there still ..... -: § CHILDBIRTH of a manta-RELIGIOUS §
And contrary to popular belief, it is not just for women than it is long!
admit even myself bored at times ........ but it was worth it!
She had decided to give birth on my honeysuckle in the magical glow. Her belly swelled and deflated. She put all her energy slowly ..... As a film in slow motion, or rather a documentary on athletes in slow motion, very weird feeling like .... And she tried to protect themselves by attacking me, so I was forced to do more than observe from a distance, ashamed of him harder.
She has six successive transformations before finally reaching adulthood! A hard worker! And a perfectionist! You understand why after that, the male is still immature? hihihi!
symbol of strength like the lion, her other name is "the Tiger of Grass." Nice no?
PS: Actually, a manta "never deliver" not because it does not give rise to and almost a living being trained, but she lays.
It's just because I found the formula more romantic!
But suddenly, I had created confusion in the mind of a friend.
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