Monday, December 15, 2008
Western And Southern Insurance Scam
NO COMMENTS FOR NOW PLEASE, I have not finished the article (with all My apologies! )
I just spent three days but cool ripping! I do not tell you, it is likely that nobody was interested but I'll just give you the "icing on the cake."
Clash photos, in this case will be more telling than the power of words!
Even turned off, this model is very beautiful! What is still rare for a jukebox
Closeups on a well-oiled machine and a successful aesthetic
Magic, eh?
Nostalgia, colors, landforms, format, usually no one can resist! Even those who do not care 20/30/40 or 50 years, still feel something in front of these "beasts"!
So me ..... I literally money!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lether Women Mistress
A real crap! I love that! It
nullissime ..... and it's great!
What we have been able to sing in the 80's! hoy hoy hoy hi!
"Paris is full of Parisians, not enough and too many Parisian Paris! "
I want to point out that graffiti in the clip is of him! In fact, it was his job, not a singer. It was not the reincarnation of Buddy Holly!
PS: a little surprise / mystery to be discovered in the clip
naturally and without cheating! JUST watching the clip! and without Internet search
a huge hug to those who find!
and a kiss in the Find the first neck ....
PS 2: Too late! the game is closed!
A second surprise gift to the winner! I publish a photo taken by him to ride in Paris that I love and which illustrates this article, and that ..... his modesty would prevent him from publishing on his own blog! hihihi!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Stages Of Germination Of Seeds
In fact, 9!
"Life can be considered an art."
- The dance of life
"The insane asylum is the place where optimism flourishes the most."
- The Dance of Life
"What we call" morality "is simply blind obedience to words of command.
[The Dance of Life (1923)]
" We must not swallow more beliefs in that can digest. "
- The dance of life
" What we call progress is the replacement of a disadvantage for another. "
" The Dance is the most sublime, the most moving, most beautiful of all arts, because it is not a mere translation or abstraction from life, that's life itself. "
- The Dance Life
"The more civilization progresses, the sooner it dies, giving way to another."
- The Dance of Life
"The Promised Land is always on the other side of the desert."
- The Dance of Life
The byproduct is sometimes more valuable than the product itself.
[Small Essays on love and virtue, II]
Gallbladder Polyps And Fatty Liver
A little poetry in this world of brutes!
I was in my short years. I recited. I had 20 out of 20. And found myself on fatigue inalienable narrative of this text (and others!) For subsequent years, schools, festivals and more.
It has long remained in my memory, as others hold the multiplication tables (which I do not remember me, however! Hihihi!)
I know now why .......
Thus, again pushed to new shores,
the night away without eternal return, Do
can we ever ocean ages
anchor one day?
O lake! the year just ended his career, nearly
And she was the beloved waters again,
Look! I just sit alone on this rock where you saw
You groaned like this under these deep rocks,
So you broke on their sides torn
Thus, the wind threw the foam of your waves
On her feet worshiped. A
evening, do you remember? we sailed in silence;
could be heard far away on the wave and in the heavens,
That the sound of rowers beating rhythmically
Your harmonious waves.
Suddenly strains unknown to land
From enchanted shore struck echoes;
The flood was attentive, and the voice so dear to me
uttered these words:
"O time! Suspend your flight, and you, happy hours!
Hang your course:
Let us savor the fleeting delights
the finest of today!
"Enough unhappy here below you crave,
rush, rush to them, with their days
Take care that devour them; Forget
"But I ask in vain for a few more moments,
Time escapes and flees;
I tell this night: Be slower, and Aurora
Go dispel the night.
" Love, therefore, let us love ! Time fleeting
Let us hasten, enjoy!
Man has no harbor, time has no shore;
It flows, and we'll go! "Time
jealous, is it possible that these moments of intoxication,
Where love long streams pays us happiness,
stolen from us in the same speed
That day of doom?
What! do can we fix at least a trace?
What! gone forever! What! completely lost!
This gave them time, time that erases,
Do we make more!
Eternity, nothing, past, dark abyss,
What do you have days you swallow?
Talk: We will you make these sublime ecstasies
Whether you snatch from us?
O lake! dumb rocks! Caves! dark forest!
you, that time savings or can rejuvenate,
Keep this night, keep, beautiful nature,
At least the memory!
Whether in your rest, whether in your storms,
Beautiful lake, and the appearance of your smiling hills,
And in these dark trees, and these wild rocks
hanging over your waters.
Whether in the breeze that shivers and password,
In the sounds of your edges with your shores repeated
In the star in front of money that whitens your
surface with its soft lights.
That moaning wind, the sighing reed,
Let your light fragrance fragrant air,
That all we hear, we see or we breathe,
All say: They loved it!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Abu Dhabi Parlour Brazilian Wax
In life
When you can sing .........
Why do the choirs?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Good Interest To Put On Resume For Clothes Shop
I'm an old oyster !
Shell fragile, brittle, too swept away by the surf of life, tide too strong, not holding it!
pieces are crumbling, some in white shirts trying to catch them in the foam: a lost cause! Nature has its rights!
Yet I got hooked to Piquey and Pignot!
I who dreamed of being part of the Basin, I embraced the Mimbeau from the top, and rest there for eternity, resting on the sand, finally comfortable and free!
Best Place For Party Indranagar Bangalore
was August 15
You tell me: "a rainbow? So what it is not uncommon! What does it more than others?"
What makes it attractive for me?
If this is it is whole, less common, well ........ it is outside my door! Just that!
If you knew everything that happens outside my door ........
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Mother Caned Me Nylons
Before leaving for school in the morning and waking up with grumpy night owl, I spent the vinyl "block" (on my platinum-JVC-hypermodern-d'alors with diamond and everything! ), at breakfast , Just to motivate me!
Yet to the dismay of one of my friends, I'm really not a jazz fan!
But this piece is what I would call "accessible" for a heretic like me!
Someone just eradicate it from my memory, and I thank him!
The Dave Brubeck Quartet: Take Five (1961)
So, I have also discovered this on YouTube, the same song echoed by one of my favorite bands: full circle 61 to 2008!
Radiohead vs Dave Brubeck - Five Step
Where To Buy Monster Energy Drinks In Malaysia
The gift from a stranger!
soundtrack and main theme of the movie "The Piano", a film directed by Jane Campion in 1993, I've never seen (so I will try now to find the time!)
And very nice trailer for my taste! Piano, ocean, seashells, nature ........ and love! Yes .... good .... I know! All ingredients of the last old-fashioned romanticism me tell you! And it's true! But I Am, "a cheesy romantic past," under my tunes do not touch it, as others have was "The Last of the Mohicans"! I have a friend for me "deals" often working girl ....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Mario Salierimovies Stream
A song written
heart about 1 year ago
the evening down
The evening is white
Absence For
also a year older, all my wrinkles will be there tomorrow
Waiting waiting Waiting Waiting time
but the bitter cold came over me,
(oh) no, you like the sil
life CHORUS What fault have I committed?
What sin have I committed?
M'en do you have ... misunderstood?
Anything Anything Anything for
m'chuchotes you again, gently
your favorite tunes
Solitude Solitude Solitude
tame me but why round me assails
CHORUS This town This town
mercantile mercantile mercantile
This city: family-trees-hugs,
mine is off .... Now how
Now how
How to be present in this setting empty
CHORUS And that envy and that envy
And the obvious desire to return one day as innocuous
before the days of the time before
The time before when I thought your future would also mine
down the evening is white
Lack also
For a year all over my wrinkles will be there tomorrow ........
Thanks to P. for music and singing
and pity! be indulgent!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What Can U Cross Newfoundlands With
Dutch Income Calculator
Amnesia is the reflex of cowards
The courage of the wise
The politeness of the good-living
Cowardice (control) undead
Friday, November 28, 2008
Free Online Gay Rpg Games
Just because this song should have been on this blog long time!
(like so many others! Time ....... but it still my worst enemy!)
La Grange: name given by the Texan humor specialized institutions in which "women of easy virtue" practice their profession.
Billy Gibbons, touch bluesy guitar recognizable the first note, has never hidden from being primarily a blues man, even if these influences are rock several times with Elvis Presley (Jailhouse Rock and Viva Las Vegas). Me, someone who claims to Jailhouse Rock, obviously, could only make me vibrate the first time I've heard ......
A Calinou Daytona
Thursday, November 27, 2008
India Attress Boobspitchers
... Because we are connected ...
I was so often treated mantle-religious in my life ....., I could only pay tribute to him one day! hihihi !
same time, a male who continues to send sperm and copulate, even after having his head cut off! , He deserves to live well? hihihi!
I do not know what attracts them in my garden, but I really! That they are protected species of insects in Ile-de-France ...
I should have put this on my blog at the end of summer, but like all the time taken by the time .............
It is very unfortunate that I can put much bigger picture on this site (or at least I do not know still do) because I do not know whether you will succeed to do something!
This exceptional phenomenon for me - oh yeah! yet! hihihi! I am in constant awe of nature! and yet I am not trendy insect, but there still ..... -: § CHILDBIRTH of a manta-RELIGIOUS §
And contrary to popular belief, it is not just for women than it is long!
admit even myself bored at times ........ but it was worth it!
She had decided to give birth on my honeysuckle in the magical glow. Her belly swelled and deflated. She put all her energy slowly ..... As a film in slow motion, or rather a documentary on athletes in slow motion, very weird feeling like .... And she tried to protect themselves by attacking me, so I was forced to do more than observe from a distance, ashamed of him harder.
She has six successive transformations before finally reaching adulthood! A hard worker! And a perfectionist! You understand why after that, the male is still immature? hihihi!
symbol of strength like the lion, her other name is "the Tiger of Grass." Nice no?
PS: Actually, a manta "never deliver" not because it does not give rise to and almost a living being trained, but she lays.
It's just because I found the formula more romantic!
But suddenly, I had created confusion in the mind of a friend.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bath Accessories Lips
What were they to come here in this warm and yet still fresh morning May, all colored, variegated, yet mine cold?
All that did not seem to bind?
Yet all knew each other.
Few, but not absent, reluctant to confide in, this rig ancient swaying like their feelings as the port of distress, but their sea legs in certainties.
What had they to hide?
They were all watching the sky to a mini-point loss, beyond the dunes, where you and I and Anne could not see anything coming!
We felt the enthusiasm, we felt the excitement, we felt the love.
We felt fear.
We felt curiosity.
One felt a common agreement .
And above all, without being able to explain it, you felt the urge to be there too, to participate, even as a hair on the soup, like hair density, the foam of the bench.
him returning from Cuba, where he stayed for 3 weeks without anyone knowing why?
It was happening to his humble apartment in Guétary on the Basque coast, a mixture of old pin-up poodle and contests.
him looking like a gentleman-burglar, however unsteadily, descended straight from his plane to Geneva.
him, proud and busy, which sells its shoes in Milan, after having drawn in a hick town from the depths of France.
He, too, commercial and old France, which was felt at once the timidity and infinite kindness
him again, uncouth, like a teddy bear long loved, no place
He was young and handsome, she an old still very beautiful.
Him with her son in her arms, she, her girlfriend.
Elle, Teen beautiful and elegant as are often mixed-bloods.
And she, the child curled, half angel / half demon.
Few women among these Xy.
him like a shadow of the past
Or He who wondered why, ultimately, he was there He, too, he of the last hour .... And
him with long hair, like Noah in the midst of others, a big tomcat confident in her arms, yet above the water .... (Which one is the wiser? Have I requested)
And I watched all this from far, far away .........
And I, who wanted to know ........
And even those who had stood by the move set the sky.
And suddenly ...... , Engine noise!
But they do not look at the Sea Basin. Neither the ocean. But the sky!
A glittering cloud. Sunny glasses that rise. Bubbles at the top and bottom. Then again
engine noise. But the boat this time. Then nothing
........ ........ A high vacuum. A heavy silence. They were all gone.
I had not seen anyone give signal?
everything happened so fast!
I decided to learn more.
No. It was not the end of a star: just a native son who returns home at last.
A sandwich-tern, "I later learned, laughed and I left too.
Perhaps it was this? who laughed the last time?
Wedged between the Indian and World New Orleans off-season.
For P.
PS: I know that the synopses are normally present! Hihihi!
PS 2: Against the gossips who do not believe in Friendship
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Interview Question For Equity Dealer
.... I lost a word!
I do not know if it was my pocket or my brain holes
but I actually lost!
Yet I'd tidy
For I knew that I would use it not often
But he still ended up sliding down
And even
Maybe in oblivion?
where I lost it?
Where you lose everything?
Where everything is lost?
Or was it hidden?
Like a dirty word! Fearing that we
For those who use it are afraid
There is a place where he is! Someone will find it
Someone is going to ramassser
Finally ........ if not too much to bear!
If he is really too heavy,
so I did not have to worry! Someone will bring it back
Because this person did not want
And finally ......
I woke up .....
and he was there,
asked where I left off ..... Too bad we do
...... I had not even stolen!
Normal: it was neither a love note or a word
This was not a good word either. Neither
a word taken lightly.
was the kind of words to give you headaches
Then I understood why, in fact, I wanted to lose
was the word .......
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Virus With Crick In Neck
If I can not dance ...........
why bother?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Canada Do I Need Babys Immunization Card
LUNDI 17 JUIN 2008
unimaginable! Yet real ......
A twister on the Basin!!
rare phenomenon in France
Or more precisely, a waterspout as meteorologists say (when contact with the earth is on the water rather than soil), and finally I think, had not moved, stupidly, I think, in view of the nose, where I placed that it must happen on the water.
A tornado (the tornado English, derived from the verb tornar turn) is a vortex (vortex ) of extremely violent winds , begin at the base of a cloud of storm ( cumulonimbus )
that I dream of Great Plains, including Texas, I never thought the chance to see it one day! And even less at home!
I do not know how much was it on the Fujita scale, certainly small, but believe me, impressive enough that I feel a deep sense of unease at the idea it would turn around, which Often. Discomfort ...........
and Admiration! Awe of what nature has to offer, even devastating. Magic moment .......... Movement, contortions, changing colors, lacking only sound. A passage to heaven .......... as if little green men were going down. Or the best of us have the right to assemble. It was
unfortunately too fast (in fact, about half an hour, but it seemed to me 5 minutes!) and especially, too surreal (same feeling when I swam and "played" with a dolphin at the Banc d'Arguin, off season, months before the press did not call him and speak stupidly while Francis was a female!) that I actually have time to react, take my car and go see it closer ....... shame!
In fact, if someone had not said "go get your camera," I am still trying to bader ........
If like me, this phenomenon fascinates you, I recommend the movie "Twister" in 1996 by Jan de Bont, scientifically speaking not always fair, but nice for beginners like us.
color change tuba
Suddenly, it gave me an idea ........ ...
As our little paradise turned trendy showbiz past few years, and we suffer the fallout Regular: outbreak, even in winter, real estate, driftwood collected in winter as well (the best) renamed objects of design, (beautiful) invasive plants in the summer, and I do not despair of seeing Mr. Obispo we organize "black parties" soon, as Barclay's white, so I said, take as much in St Tropez this there was more fun! And being a fan of the 50s .......
I'm sure the author of the text, if still alive will not mind ..... In fact, I'm not sure! As "Twist of Saint Tropez", taken by Eddy Mitchell and his group "Black Socks" and Dick Rivers and his "Wild Cats" is originally a song by "The Black Jacket", a group from ........ Bordeaux ! I do while loop the loop! And finally "render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar! ;-)
Twist ... Cape Ferret
Yes it's part of the atmosphere of the Cap-Ferret
All dances begin
that launches in France for the holidays
Twist ... Cape Ferret
There is always ahead
In Cape Ferret
Lavoine, Chantal, Bebel
leave us one day they'll be back
All can never do without
all come here for fun
Everyone one day learned to dance
Twist ... Cape Ferret
Yes, there is worldwide
Toward Cap-Ferret
We see on Beach
Thousand Faces
Later they will dance
Thursday, April 17, 2008
What Is Alot Of Miles For A Diesel Engine
And my latest discovery! Soon the CD! (I have 5 days to find who it was!) For months I have not cracked a song like this! Almost a year, in fact, since the last time it was on U-Turn Aaron.
A voice in the Garou or Joe Cocker, and more sensual! I like: broken at will!
A beautiful song!
PS: That's it! I know who he reminds me! To a group that nobody knows and that was my favorite band before Muse : Immaculate Fools !
It's follow the leader, baby
That's how it's gonna be
If you ever really wanna get lost
Then follow me
Follow the leader
We're in a solar system
Together and alone
The bills, the smoke, the furniture
The happy home
Now you can follow your gut
Or you can follow the past
But if you knew an eclipse was coming
Why'd you even ask?
Follow the leader
Ghost verse -
(there's brighter days ahead
I've seen them on tv
Word is there's something big
Hidden up their sleeve)
So maybe it gets quiet And maybe it
gets numb At least
Then There's Still Something To Share with Someone
Follow the Leader
Matthew Ryan Guilty
Rhythmic wish!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Honda Xlr 125 Tunning
J'adoooore this genre! (You all know "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"?)
Africa Magic! My love for Africa is matched only by my love for the Indians! Except that .....: except for Indian, I am in love with a people, a culture and a way of seeing things. But not a place. Their "living space" (Arizona, New Mexico, etc ...), I Dream, I find that A PRIORI magnifiiiiiiiique ...... but I do not know! I've never been there. While Africa, I know. And I fell in love with a place BEFORE all.
And the Zulu culture is amazing (very gay) as long as we give ourselves a little pain.
As for the genre, it includes everything I love: the "a cappella", bass, male vocals, dance and gospel. (With a preference for Mbube more powerful, less intimate)
And if that does not affect you, try to put the context: Imagine ......... bulk: apartheid, the sun came forth on Kilimanjaro, Kessel, flamingos flying over the N'Gorongoro, the noise of the night in africa, exultées dances and colorful, and whatnot ? (What the hell! Looking for! I'm not going to chew you!)
And you'll see ..... it does!
Ladysmith Black Mambazo is a vocal group South Africa, founded in 1960 by Joseph Shabalala . Famous for his a cappella performance, it is representative of the styles and Mbube isicathamiya . Its composition has changed over the years. It was made internationally famous for its participation in the Paul Simon album Graceland.
They also worked with the girl group The Corrs, Josh Groban, Manu Dibango, Stevie Wonder, Dolly Parton, Michael Jackson or Ben Harper.
In January 1999, Joseph Shabalala of Ladysmith Black Mambazo creates Foundation whose goal is to teach their culture including their music to young Zulus.
South Africa - Music Legends
Dolly Parton and Ladysmith Black Mambazo: Knocking On Heavens Door
Marathi Kavita Greeting Cards
Isicathamiya (with c to pronounce as a dental click ) is a style of singing a cappella , from Zulus of South Africa .
The word itself is not a literal translation and is derived from the verb-cathama Zulu, which means walking slowly, carefully and trample. The isicathamiya differs from another older style a cappella Zulu, Mbube, meaning "lion." name change marks a shift in the style of music: traditional The music is described as Mbube sung loud and powerful, while isicathamiya focuses more on a harmonious blend of voices. The name also refers to the movements and choreography on the toes of the dance style of such singers.
The South African groups like Ladysmith Black Mambazo represents the style. The choirs are traditionally isicathamiya all male. Its roots date back to early 20th century, when many men have left their country to seek work in cities. When these cottages have been urbanized, this style has been overlooked for much of the 20th century. Technically , Isicathamiya is also characterized by the number of low, ranging from two to six bass for "Mambazo".
Today's contest at isicathamiya Johannesburg and Durban take place Saturday night, with up to 30 choirs competing for 20h at 8am the next morning.
Worldwide recognition
The Western breakthrough for this style was the album Paul Simon's Graceland, or for example on the track Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes Paul Simon has been supported by the singing of Ladysmith Black Mambazo . The group has since enjoyed great popularity and recognition, Homeless with songs like, Hello My Baby titles or Bob Dylan Knockin 'on Heaven's Door, or the anthem of the Rugby World Cup, and Mbube (a song composed in 1939 by Zulu workers Solomon Linda - the song with added lyrics, is also known as the lion sleeps tonight ), the latter having given its name, gender Mbube meaning lion in Zulu. The members of "Mambazo" have converted to Christianity and frequently reminded of the close relationship between isicathamiya and Gospel in songs like Amazing Grace and various Zulu hymns. "Mambazo" is the first group "A cappella" South Africa has world recognition; all other famous South African musicians play music with instruments, but some groups like Mahotella Queens , singing with an electric guitar of " Mbaqanga " sing from time to time without instrumental backing.
Ladysmith Black Mambazo: Mbube Wimoweh
Solomon Linda And The Evening: The original
Mbube in 1939!
There was still no word
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Phosphate Buffer 10 Mm
For me, it Louis Armstrong in a skirt! Lavern Baker
(born Delores Williams November 11, 1929 in Chicago and died March 10, 1997) is an American singer of Blues